How to use the BRC website
Use this link to open the BRC login page
Enter your email address
Existing members - Input password (if you know it or forgot password if not)
New members - Click on create account and fill in relevant forms
Choose the profile (ie your name)
Select membership type
Choose Joint or Single member (Joint can only be used where the 2 members live in the same household)
Choose 'Auto Renewal' or 'One Time Payment'
'Next' button
Fill in the next form
'Next' button
Fill in the next form
'Next' button
Fill in the next form
'Next' button
Tick Certify box
'Add & Checkout' button
Check out using the box to the side
PLEASE NOTE: A processing fee of £1.50 will be added to your membership fee for Stripe processing. Sadly this amount is out of our control.